

Caterina Preda

The Transnational ‘Memorialization’ of Monumental Socialist Public Works in Eastern Europe” , International Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol 23, Issue 3, (2020): 401-421 (Social Sciences Citation Index, Impact Factor 1.1).

The transnational artistic memorialisation of Operation Condor: documenting a ‘distribution of the possible’”, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Vol 29, Issue 2 (2020): 251-269 (Social Sciences Citation Index, Impact Factor 0.35) DOI: 10.1080/13569325.2020.1801398

“The aesthetic surveillance of performance art by the Romanian Securitate in the 1970s and 1980s”, accepted for publication in Third Text in June 2020 (Arts and Humanities Citation Index)

“The role of art in restoring human dignity at the threshold of traumatic pasts” chapter accepted for publication in Human Dignity at the Thresholds, eds. Stephanie Arel, Levi Cooper, Vannessa Hellmann (in production – Springer)

Caterina Preda, “Memorialization” entry and co-editor with Francesca Lessa of the entry on “International Coalition of Sites of Conscience” in the Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, 2nd edition, edited by Lavinia Stan and Nadya Nedelsky (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021 – in production)

Maria Alina Asavei

Artistic memory and Roma women’s history through an intersectional lens: The Giuvlipen Theater”, European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2019, online first, (Social Sciences Citation Index, Impact Factor 1.023)

The Politics of Textiles in the Romanian Contemporary Art Scene“, Textile: Cloth and Culture, Vol 17, Issue 3 (2019): 246-258 (Arts and Humanities Citation Index)

Beyond blood and honey: re-imagining the Balkans through travelling exhibtions“, Études balkaniques 4 (2018):706-725 (Erih Plus).

Alexandra Oprea

Cinéma, mémoire et critique de la corruption dans la Roumanie et la Bulgarie postcommunistes“, Etudes Balkaniques no. 4/2019 pp. 649-669. (Erih Plus).

Denouncing Corruption through Visual Means: Civil Society Initiatives in Post-Communist Romania“, Online Journal Modeling the New Europe, Issue 33, Sept. 2020 (Erih Plus, Scopus, Proquest, Ceeol).


* Workshop at the University of Bucharest 2019: ‘Transregional remembrances: artistic memory work after dictatorship’ (21 November, Department of Political Science, University of Bucharest)

* Workshop at the Charles University in Prague 2020: 30 Years after the End of Communist Regimes: New Perspectives on the Art and Politics of Memory (14 Sept 2020 Zoom event)

Participation to international conferences, guest talks

* 30 sept. 2020, Caterina Preda organized a panel ‘Post-socialist visual memory practices in Romania: a transnational, comparative perspective’, Post-Socialist Memory in a Global Perspective: Postcolonialism, post-transition, post-trauma, Memory Studies Association Working Group Conference, Chișinău (21 septembrie – 1 octombrie 2020) in which the following presentations were included:
  – Caterina Preda, “The tramway of communism and the bus of the revolution: artistic commemorative, nostalgic or critical practices in the post-socialist urban Romanian space”
– Alina Asavei, “Engraving in the Skin: Vernacular Memorials for Ceauşescu, Tito and Stalin”
– Dan Draghia, ”A difficult reconciliation with the communist past: communist monuments and monuments for the memory of communism in Romania, Moldova and Bulgaria”.
– Alexandra Oprea, ”Denouncing corruption through visual means: civil society initiatives in post-socialist Romania”.
* 1st Feb 2020, Maria Alina Asavei (Charles University) “The Living Archive of Romani Persecution: Artistic Memory as Spaces of Everyday Interaction and Solidarity”, Memories of Loss, Dreams of Solidarity, Politics and International Relations School of Social and Political Science University of Edinburgh (30 January – 1 February 2020)

* 4 Sept. 2019, Caterina Preda chaired the panel ‘The Art and Politics of Transnational Memory Practices in Eastern Europe’ @ the ECPR 2019 General Conference Wroclaw (4-7 September 2019): Caterina Preda, “Nostalgic and retro-aesthetic constellations in Eastern Europe: the case of the daily life museums of communism”; Codruta Pohrib, “Queering the Eastern European Memory of Communism”; Alexandra Oprea, “The Visual memory of informality in Romania and Bulgaria”; & Alina Maria Asavei, “Transnational (artistic) memory of the Jewish sites that no longer exist in the Balkans”, panel ‘Aesthetics and resistance’

* June 26th, 2019 Caterina Preda presented “Performing the memory of dictatorship A transregional approach of embodied memory” at the Third conference of the Memory Studies Association in Madrid (25-28 June 2019)

* June 20th, 2019 Caterina Preda presented The Relevance of Daily Life Museums of Communism: The Absent Museum of Communism of Bucharest at the Second Mellon Conference: Traversing the Gap: Relevance as a Transformative Force at Sites of Public Memory (June 19–21, 2019, 9/11 Memorial & Museum, New York)

* May 31st, 2019 the team members (Maria Alina Asavei, “The performative memory of the Holocaust across Central and South-East Europe: Arts and Memory Politics”; Alexandra Oprea, “Visual representations of anti-corruption and the memory of the communist regimes in Romania and Bulgaria”;  Codruta Pohrib, “Documentary theater and coming to terms with the communist past”; Caterina Preda, “Nostalgia entrepreneurs and the museum of communism”) organized a panel “Entangled pasts and their transnational artistic memorialization in Central and Eastern Europe” at the 6th International Interdisciplinary Conference of Political Research SCOPE 2019

* May 26th, 2019 Caterina Preda presented “An archive of the possible: art of memorialization and the use of archival sources by contemporary artists in South America” at the Latin American Studies Association (#LASA2019) Congress in Boston

* April 12th, 2019, Maria Alina Asavei and Caterina Preda participated to the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies – Basees 2019 Conference in Robinson College, Cambridge [Umney Lounge 13.45-15.15]. Alina Asavei chaired the panel “Artistic memory and post-1989” and Caterina Preda presented the paper “The art and politics of performative memory: performative socialist monuments in South Eastern Europe” as part of this panel.

* Caterina Preda presented “A Transnational Approach to Decommunized Socialist Heritage: Collecting and Re-signifying Socialist Art” at the international conference “Transnational Dimensions of Dealing with the Past in ‘Third Wave’ Democracies. Central Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union in Global Perspective” (1-2 April 2019, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest)

* Caterina Preda participated to the International Conference “Communicative Forms and Practices of Nostalgia: Conceptual, Critical and Historical Perspectives” (Södertörn University – Stockholm, Sweden, 8-9 November 2018) with a presentation on “‘Communism never happened’: Romanian retro-aesthetics and the ‘nice’ side of communism”.

* Caterina Preda participated to the 50th Congress ASEEES (6-9 December 2018), Boston with a paper on: ”Living statues: corporeal memory in postcommunist Eastern Europe” (7 Dec.)

* Alina Maria Asavei coordinated a panel at the 50th Congress ASEEES (6-9 December 2018), Boston: ”Troubled Pasts and Performative Artistic Memory in Central and South-Eastern Europe” (7 Dec.)

Additional activities


Caterina Preda presented “The role of the Romanian Artists’ Union in producing art for the state in Socialist Romania”, Panel ‘Creating for the state during socialism: the role of artists’ unions’, ASEEES Annual Convention, San Francisco, 25. Nov. (23-26 Nov 2019)

Caterina Preda organized the Travelling seminar “Romania’s entangled traumatic pasts” realized together with EUROM, 13-14 March 2019, University of Bucharest

Caterina Preda presented the project “Artistic Practices and Remembrance of Dictatorships: A Transregional Comparison of Eastern Europe and South America” on January 25th 2019, at the Phase 3 of the 2nd Intercontinental Academia on Human Dignity  jointly held by the Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study (JIAS), the Israel Institute (IIAS) and the Institute in Bielefeld (Germany, ZiF) on January 21-25, 2019 at the JIAS in Johannesburg, South Africa.


Caterina Preda was a keynote speaker ”Artă și politică în România” (20 October 2018) in Timișoara, MADtalks: Caterina Preda | MAD(e) in Romania 

Caterina Preda was a keynote speaker “Art, state and ideology during the communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe”, MOZAK, Nosna Foundation, Krakow  (13.10.2018)

Alina Maria Asavei gave a lecture titled ”Minerals and Alchemies of hope in post-communist Eastern Europe” at the National Gallery Zacheta in Warsaw, Poland (14 November 2018).

Caterina Preda participated to the “Observatorio de memorias”/Travelling seminar (19-23 November) organized by the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) at Santiago/Ribadeo/ Coruña/Santiago/San Simon (Spain).